There are a lot of logistical problems we need to figure out now. I'm googling everything and also spoke to a family friend who had lots of good expertise. Here are the problems, in no particular order.
- How to keep this cast clean through diaper changes.
- He doesn't fit in his car seat, we need to adjust it if possible or look into a special one (Hippo Car Seat). Possibly Safe Kids Inland Empire can help me rent one.
- Our stroller won't be comfortable for him. We need to see if our jogging stroller might work.
- How to keep him entertained when he can't move on his own. I'd like to find two things today that he can still do and enjoys.
- Travel- I have a work conference coming up soon (with a new boss) and we have a family vacation at the end of the month. Need to figure out what to do about both.
- Clothes for him to wear. I know he doesn't need to be dressed but it helps keep him clean and the fiberglass cast is rough, I want to cover some up.
- Eating- he can't sit in his high chair but loves to feed himself. Need to figure out a chair or table that is safe. Also how to keep the cast clean.
- The cast makes him much heavier and awkward to hold. My arms are killing me already. Maybe I can use a wrap?
- Follow up Monday for more xrays.
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